Slumber Party Massacre II

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I enjoyed the first one so much, I had to watch the second one. What could go wrong???

Slumber Party Massacre II (1987) - IMDb


I MEAN OMG! I haven’t seen a sequel this bad in a long time. It had EVERYTHING you don’t want in a horror movie. I mean literally it had:

  • dream sequences
  • imaginary killers
  • musical numbers (multiple)

I mean I couldn’t believe it. The movie is so hard to follow, I literally had to google if the main character was in the last film because I was so confused by the dialogue. But even after that, I persisted. This may be one of the worst horror films, I’ve ever seen.

I can’t even continue to bash this film…. let’s jump straight into the breakdown.

  1. Intro:
    • The intro to this movie was drawn out and very 80’s niche. I literally thought to myself, “If this movie moves as slow as the intro, I might not make it”. Also… its the only reference to the first film.
  2. Kill Scenes:
    • I will say that the kill scenes were entertaining. Because the killer is singing his own musical numbers, I really felt like I was watching Rocky Horror instead of Slumber Party Massacre. I mean the driller killer’s drill is on the end of his guitar. Please check out exhibit UGH!
Exhibit ugh.
  • 3. Creepy men:
    • This movie didn’t have any creepy men by definition but there was this character named T.J. that you were secretly begging to get murdered first. Every scene he was in, he was determined to be the absolute worst.
  • 4. Killer Reveal:
    • Okay so the killer’s face was revealed very early on, and since it was a sequel, the audience already knew what to expect. AGAIN WRONG! In the first film all the driller killer did was kill and breathe heavy, this time he sings, dances, and makes unusually long eye contact. It made my skin crawl.

All in all avoid this movie at all costs. Its rare that I give a movie a “beware on behalf of your life” rating, but in all honestly you’re life is probably better by not watching it. Quarantine cannot be saved by this film. A strong 0/10 for me.

Thanks for stopping by,

Miranda Priestley

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